CMSimple 3.x:

!!! Development abandoned - Entwicklung eingestellt !!!

No warranties and no support for this versions of CMSimple (up to 3.4)!
Keine Garantie und kein Service für diese Versionen von CMSimple (bis 3.4)!

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Archiv bis 2012



CMSimple is recommended for sites with text contents less than 2 MB - This is about 1000 pages of text (about 2,000 characters per page). There is no maximum size to the site but speed will become an issue. Photographs are stored separately, there is no limit to the number of photographs you can use. You are only restricted by the capacity you have bought from your ISP, and by limitations imposed by your PHP settings.

Editing of the files is normaly done on your local machine, using a normal browser (see below). You will also need an FTP program (like WS_FTP or WinSCP) to upload the files to your webserver.

Server requirements

CMSimple is written in PHP. Thus, PHP >= 4.0.4 is required on your server. PHP is free and downloadable from To install PHP on a webserver, you must have administrator rights. Many webhotels offer PHP as part of their standard service.

CMSimple runs on a Linux server under Apache, or on Win32 under Apache or IIS. It also runs on Abyss. No database is needed as the entire site contents are stored in a single HTML-file.


For better password protection it is advised to use wwwaut.

On Linux where PHP is installed as an Apache module (not a CGI), this feature will work just by setting wwwaut to 'true' under the configuration settings of CMSimple.

With CMSimple 2.7 it is also possible to make wwwaut work on:

  • When PHP is installed as CGI/FastCGI and RewriteEngine is on
  • On Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) when PHP > 4.3.3, only "Anonymous access" is set and "Custom Errors" is set to Default. (Also cgi.rfc2616_headers in php.ini must be deafult).

Read more about how to check your type of Server API and how to setup WWW-Authenticate with CGI/FastCGI or ISS 

The WYSIWYG online editor

The editor works with new versions of IE, Firefox and Opera.

The WYSIWYG online editor does NOT work with Safari, old versions of Opera, Firefox < 1.0 or IE5.

The inbuilt WYSIWYG online editor is written in JavaScript. It was formerly known as OEdit.

Though the final result of an edit can be viewed by all browsers, the editing can only be done with the following browsers.

  • Windows: Mozilla 1.3 and above, IE 5.5 and above.
  • Linux: Mozilla 1.3 and above.
  • MacOS: Mozilla 1.3 and above.

It is possible to use other editors with other requirements than the build-in editor.

I have read the requirements and I want to download CMSimple!