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Community Templates

There are thousands of templates for CMSimple available in the www, but sometimes in a horrible code quality.

In the interest of the project CMSimple I will define a few conditions for template designers, who want to offer their templates on

CMSimple template designers can offer their templates here, if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • The templates have to validate for html5, html 4.01 transitional or Xhtml 1.0 transitional. Recommended Doctype is <!DOCTYPE html>. Justified exceptions may be accepted, but systematic violation of the international accepted webstandards not.
  • All templates must be delivered in the encoding utf-8 without BOM (Byte Order Mark).
  • All templates have to be delivered with a link "Powered by CMSimple", linking to "".
  • The template designers can put their own designer link on his own terms of use in the template.
  • It is allowed and desired to offer (sell) RemoveLink Licenses and Commercial Licenses.
  • All templates have to be available for download.

Requests please to

Of course everybody may create and offer CMSimple Templates, that do not fulfill these conditions, but such offers will be not listed here.

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CMSimple News

CMSimple is ready for php 8.3.9
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CMSimple 5.16 published


CMSimple 5.16 contains many small improvements, some suggested in the forum and from the development of CMSimple Basic.

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USBWebserver CMSimple


Testen Sie CMSimple ganz einfach mit USBWebserver offline auf Ihrem PC.

OnlineShop für CMSimple

OnlineShop für CMSimple

Jetzt gibt es bei den csvShop, ein OnlineShop Plugin für CMSimple. Selbstverständlich voll responsiv für Smartphones & Co.


Responsive templates are suitable for all visual output devices, from smartphones up to HD screen.

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With plugins you can extend the functionality of CMSimple. There are Blogs, Comments, Photo Galleries, MultiMedia, MembersArea and much more.

Here you can find demos for most of the available plugins:

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