Plugins are additional programs. They are expanding the functionality of CMSimple. Popular plugins are:
Plugins, that are adapted to the requirements of CMSimple 4 and works in subsites as well as in CMSimpleCoAuthors, can be found here:
CMSimple Plugins by »
There is a Plugin Demo Website available. Here you can have a look and test the most important plugins:
CMSimple is ready for php 8.4
System Requirements »
CMSimple 5.16 contains many small improvements, some suggested in the forum and from the development of CMSimple Basic.
Testen Sie CMSimple ganz einfach mit USBWebserver offline auf Ihrem PC.
Jetzt gibt es bei den csvShop, ein OnlineShop Plugin für CMSimple. Selbstverständlich voll responsiv für Smartphones & Co.
Responsive templates are suitable for all visual output devices, from smartphones up to HD screen.
Test the responsive templates of
With plugins you can extend the functionality of CMSimple. There are Blogs, Comments, Photo Galleries, MultiMedia, MembersArea and much more.
Here you can find demos for most of the available plugins: