The idea behind CMSimple was both simple and ingenious: All content is stored in a single html file "content.htm". CMSimple creates, based on the headings h1-h3, the individual pages and the navigation menu (table of contents).
However, this type of pagesplitting had one major disadvantage:
The semantic nesting of the headings could not be adhered to. On a page of menu level 1 with some more headings, the page heading was a h1 heading, followed by an h4 heading, because h2 or h3 headings would create a new page.
In CMSimple 5 and higher, content.php is only split into pages and menulevels by h1 headings with a specific CSS class, for example:
<h1 class="_level1_page_">Menulevel1 Page</h1>
Basically 6 menulevels are possible, simply enter the corresponding digit in the CSS class, after "level".
Now you can use all headings h1 - h6 in the content, however you want.
CMSimple is an online CMS. The content is stored in the content.htm, page-related data in the pagedata.php. When you save a page, CMSimple automatically synchronizes pagedata.php.
Therefore both files, content.htm and pagedata.php, never should be edited offline in an code editor, because in this case the files maybe are not synchronized.
2 plugins, that store data in the pagedata.php, are already included in the standard scope of CMSimple: meta_tags and page_params.
With meta_tags you can assign meta tags for a CMSimple page , such as your own keywords, anr own page title and a custom page description. These meta tags are important for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) of your site.
With page_params you can assign an alternative page template, you can remove the page from the navigation menu (hide), redirect a page (external or internal), etc.
CMSimple is ready for php 8.4
System Requirements »
CMSimple 5.16 contains many small improvements, some suggested in the forum and from the development of CMSimple Basic.
Testen Sie CMSimple ganz einfach mit USBWebserver offline auf Ihrem PC.
Jetzt gibt es bei den csvShop, ein OnlineShop Plugin für CMSimple. Selbstverständlich voll responsiv für Smartphones & Co.
Responsive templates are suitable for all visual output devices, from smartphones up to HD screen.
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With plugins you can extend the functionality of CMSimple. There are Blogs, Comments, Photo Galleries, MultiMedia, MembersArea and much more.
Here you can find demos for most of the available plugins:
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