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Chrome / Pagemanager => Delete all the pages

Posted: Sun 20. Jan 2019, 11:47
by alits

Sorry for my bad English.

I've installed the last version and when a save changes on the pagemanager... all are deleted... and a "NEW PAGE" are created.

I've tested with Firefox and IE, no problem.

Google Chrome est à jour
Version 71.0.3578.98 (Build officiel) (64 bits)

Best regards,

A. Lits

Re: Chrome / Pagemanager => Delete all the pages

Posted: Sun 20. Jan 2019, 12:40
by Gert

after this happens, try following:

1. Go to the CMS config (settings => CMS)
2. Check "Use => H1only_pagesplitting:" - is it empty or "true"?

If it is "true", make it empty, are the pages back now?

Maybe it is that: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=756

Now I'm outdoor for a few hours,
