Infos for Experts

Here are a few explanations for experts who already are familiar with CMSimple, also below the program interface.

Own config.php for subsites and second languages

The language- and subsite-specific configuration is done by its own config.php's in the language- and subsitefolders.

So all second languages ​​and subsites are fully configurable!

Structure Levels

CMSimple is working in 3 levels:

Plugins in second languages and subsites

In a normal multilingual website everything works as before, there is nothing to be observed. If there are configuration options included in the language files of the plugins, the plugin can be configured as before by the language files.

Multilingual Subsites

In subsites and their second languages​​, the same plugin language files are used as in the main website. So a different configuration of plugins for subsites and their second languages (by the language files of the plugins) is not possible anymore. But you can do something.

You can create a plugin path in the folder of the second language or subsite, and store your own language- and configuration files there, which are then used by the plugin:


Thus, all the plugins for each second language and each subsite can be configured differently, and each second language and subsite can have different language blocks.

Also the plugins, that offers a different configuration by the language variables, this way can be differently configured in subsites and their second languages.