CMSimple 3.x:

!!! Development abandoned - Entwicklung eingestellt !!!

No warranties and no support for this versions of CMSimple (up to 3.4)!
Keine Garantie und kein Service für diese Versionen von CMSimple (bis 3.4)!

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Archiv bis 2012



CMSimple is one of the smallest, smartest and most simple Content Management Systems under the GPL or AGPL licence.

CMSimple is distributed under the GPL3 and AGPL3 licence as Open Source to use, modify and distribute under the given licence.

Try CMSimple and feel the freedom of free software!

Download CMSimple 3.4 (Released March 22. 2012)

It is small - simple - smart!

The WYSIWYG editor is supported by IE on Win, and Mozilla on Linux, Win and MacOS. Read more here...

  • Small - The complete content management system is less than 100 KB.
  • Simple - simple to install and easy to modify. The entire site is stored in a single HTML-file - no database is needed. You edit your entire site with your favorite HTML-editor, upload the content file and get a dynamic website!
  • Smart - There is an integrated online WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editor with link validation, image handling, online editing of system files and an automatic backup on logout. These features that makes CMSimple simply smart!


